Entertainment/실용상식2008. 11. 30. 16:25

어메리칸 아이돌 콘테스트 오디션에 참가했던 Paula Goodspeed가 심사위원중 한명이던 Paula Abdul의 집근처 자신의 차에서 죽은채로 발견되었다네요..
그러고보니 성이 같네요..두분다 
Goodspeed씨는 Paula Abdul 심사위원이 어릴적부터의 자신의 우상이였다구 오디션후 인터뷰에서 밝혔습니다 .
아마 오디션 탈락을 자신의 우상이 등을 돌렸다고 생각했나봅니다.
안타깝네요 명목을 빕니다.


Paula Goodspeed - Proud Mary!
by Mr-Tee

Former American Idol contestant Paula Goodspeed, whose car was found outside Paula Abdul's house with a body inside, expressed great admiration for Abdul at the Season 5 audition.

"I really like Paula Abdul a lot. She's really cool," said Goodspeed when asked about her inspiration during the Idol audition process. "I'm a really big fan, and I made life-sized drawings of Paula. I've been drawing ever since I was a little kid, and my first drawing was of Paula Abdul."

Goodspeed, dressed in shades of pink for her audition, sang "Proud Mary" before Abdul, Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell – but did not make it to Hollywood. Her performance was panned.

"I'm sorry, Paula," said Abdul.

"It's not over," said Goodspeed at the time. "I'm not going to stop singing just because you don't like my voice."

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