미국인들의 인터넷용어/emoticon/Initialism
2008. 11. 13. 12:26
IMo : In My Opinion (especially on the Internet)
OMFG: Oh my fucking God.
lol : laugh out loud
LMAO : Laughing my ass
(arse) off; used to indicate great amusement, usually over exaggerated,
at something (usually from an online source eg discussion group, or
instant message).
u = you
wut = what
dis = this
dat = that
d = the
c = see
r = are
2 = to
n = and
b4 = before
ur = your
u r = you are
ya, yea, ye, yah, yup = yes
nah, nope = no
k = ok(여아덜이 마니 쓰는건 okies)
cuz(또는 s) = because
ne = any
thot = thought
q = question
altho = although
tho = though
gtg= got to go
nm = nothing much
ntm = not too much
bday = birthday
azn = asian
lemme = let me (여아들이 주로 씀)
hafta = have to(이거뚜)
wit = with (요것두)
whatcha = what are you (샘샘)
@ = at 골뱅이
d/l = download 따운
huh = what? 모?
yo = hey 어이
s'up 또는 sup = what's up (how are you doing?의 뜻이나 울나라말루 하믄) 안녕
lol = laugh out loud 열라 웃음
rofl = rolling on floor laughing 방을 구르며 웃음
thx = thank you 거마워 (여아덜이 주로 쓰는 건 thanq)
ttyl = talk to you later 담에봐
lates, latah, 18tez = later 그럼
btw = by the way 그건 그렇고
nvm = nevermind 신경꺼
wb = welcome back 다시 방가
brb = be right back 잠만(잠시만)
f'real = for real 정말
tru dat = true that 쥔짜
rite = right 그래
aight = alright 옳아
onlie = only 오직 (여아덜이 마니 씀)
np = no problem 문제엄써
enuf = enough 만땅
newayz(혹은 s) = anyways 건그렇구
foo = fool 바부
dawg = friend 칭구(여아덜은 fwenz(friends)를 마니 씀)
bf = boyfriend 남친
gf = girlfriend 여친
bff = best friend 단짝칭구
j/p = just playing 놀구있어
j/m = just messing, j/k = just kidding 농담이다
hella = very(여아들은 berrie) 열라
wtf = what the f**k? 씨바모냐?
wth = what the heck 또는 hell? 된장모냐?
stfu = shut the f**k up 주둥아리 꼬메라.
fugly = f**king ugly 졸라 안 생긴
:) 웃긴다!
:P 메롱~
:( 슬포…
:'( 혹은 :**( 눈물나
:@ 짱나
:| 실망이야
:s 어라?
:o 깜딱!
wut = what
dis = this
dat = that
d = the
c = see
r = are
2 = to
n = and
b4 = before
ur = your
u r = you are
ya, yea, ye, yah, yup = yes
nah, nope = no
k = ok(여아덜이 마니 쓰는건 okies)
cuz(또는 s) = because
ne = any
thot = thought
q = question
altho = although
tho = though
gtg= got to go
nm = nothing much
ntm = not too much
bday = birthday
azn = asian
lemme = let me (여아들이 주로 씀)
hafta = have to(이거뚜)
wit = with (요것두)
whatcha = what are you (샘샘)
@ = at 골뱅이
d/l = download 따운
huh = what? 모?
yo = hey 어이
s'up 또는 sup = what's up (how are you doing?의 뜻이나 울나라말루 하믄) 안녕
lol = laugh out loud 열라 웃음
rofl = rolling on floor laughing 방을 구르며 웃음
thx = thank you 거마워 (여아덜이 주로 쓰는 건 thanq)
ttyl = talk to you later 담에봐
lates, latah, 18tez = later 그럼
btw = by the way 그건 그렇고
nvm = nevermind 신경꺼
wb = welcome back 다시 방가
brb = be right back 잠만(잠시만)
f'real = for real 정말
tru dat = true that 쥔짜
rite = right 그래
aight = alright 옳아
onlie = only 오직 (여아덜이 마니 씀)
np = no problem 문제엄써
enuf = enough 만땅
newayz(혹은 s) = anyways 건그렇구
foo = fool 바부
dawg = friend 칭구(여아덜은 fwenz(friends)를 마니 씀)
bf = boyfriend 남친
gf = girlfriend 여친
bff = best friend 단짝칭구
j/p = just playing 놀구있어
j/m = just messing, j/k = just kidding 농담이다
hella = very(여아들은 berrie) 열라
wtf = what the f**k? 씨바모냐?
wth = what the heck 또는 hell? 된장모냐?
stfu = shut the f**k up 주둥아리 꼬메라.
fugly = f**king ugly 졸라 안 생긴
:) 웃긴다!
:P 메롱~
:( 슬포…
:'( 혹은 :**( 눈물나
:@ 짱나
:| 실망이야
:s 어라?
:o 깜딱!